If you want to become a leading gamer, Skyrim Hjertesten Hall – Player Home and Settlement Mod can be the key to success and make this happen faster. Have you ever tried Skyrim Mods? All advanced players around the globe are fascinated by these additional options, which can solve various occurring issues. If you notice any mistake, please let us know. This content was uploaded by website visitors. – Invite a npc to spend a few days at your hall – Ask your steward to give feasts and bring your people to the hall – Ask your steward to turn the hidden cave into a trophy/treasure room – Choose the divine shrine at the greenhouse by talking to the hired blacksmith – Collect goodies from the people you hire. (you can also ask your steward and warriors to do that and bring the boat back to it’s place) After you press it, the boat will be send to water, so you can use it.

There’s a buttom on the boat to put it in water. – Use the boat at the back of the property to travel to Riften and Ivarstead. – Invite your own followers or housecarls to live at the warrior’s quarters to guard your property. You can give them a family to live with them and play with your children. – Hire a stablesman and a blacksmith to take care of you lands and forge items. Decoration changes can also be requested talking to the steward.

– Hire a steward to take care of your business and collect the incomes for you. Hearthfire adoption compatible as long as you install Hearthfire multiple adoptions and cast the bless home spell. Any potential follower can be hired as steward as long as they are friends with you. – All decorations changes can only be done talking to a steward you hire. – The dialogues for hiring people will only show up with the key to the hall in your inventory. – Purchase the house from Hemme, located by the forge Trying to save Asgeld’s legacy, Torben, the former steward travels to Hjertesten looking for a hidden treasure left by Asgeld in order to buy the property and save it from it’s fate at Hemme’s hands. Now the land is held by his son, Hemme, which intends to sell the property to live at the capital and spend his money with stupid investments and tavern wenchs. Hjertesten is a property located in the Rift, once owned by the old Asgeld till he passed away. Have you ever wondered why the dragonborn never had his own lands to manage and raise his familly? A place to keep his/her housecarls and and sworn warriors and live like a true Nord Lord? Hjertesten Hall – Player Home and Settlement