Lord of the rings robes
Lord of the rings robes

lord of the rings robes lord of the rings robes

Gollum was captured by the servants of the dark lord and word of this spread to the Witch King who returned to Minas Morgul with the other riders.

lord of the rings robes

After a battle, the Witch King met with Agandaûr the Black Númenórean and servant of Sauron who told him that he was gathering the Orcs of the mountains in the ruins of Fornost. They fought against the Dúnedain in the north. The Witch King wore a crown on his head to set him apart as the leader. Sauron appeared and rose the Nazgûl up, reviving them but they were all banished by the power of Galadriel into the land of Mordor.Ħ0 years after the Battle of Dol Guldur against White Council, the Witch King and the other Nazgûl wore simple black cloaks and no helmets or masks. The Elf Lord and the Wizard take them all down including the Witch King. When Gandalf was rescued by White Council, the Witch-King and his Nazgûl appear and fight Elrond and Saruman.

lord of the rings robes

Gandalf hastened to Dol Guldur, sending Radagast to Galadriel to give her the news but the grey wizard was captured by Sauron, who suspended him from a spiky cage in the fortress. Later on, Gandalf and Radagast investigated the High Fells and found that the tombs of the Nazgûl were indeed empty. The Witch King fought Radagast and dropped his Morgul-blade on the ground, allowing the brown wizard to take it and give it to Gandalf who would show it to the White Council. His corpse was buried in the high fells but all nine of them were revived by Sauron who was growing in his power within the abandoned fortress of Dol Guldur, calling himself the Necromancer. The Witch-King is tracked down and temporarily slain along with the other Nazgûl. Glorfindel prophesied that the end was a long way off for the ringwraith and that it would not be at the hands of a man that he should fall. The Witch-King destroyed the northern Kingdom, but the Elves intervened and Angmar was destroyed in turn, the wraith getting banished to Mordor. The Witch-King lead a campaign against the Northern Kingdom of Men, Arnor. He soon gained a reputation as a dark sorcerer- earning him the title of the Witch-King of Angmar. The wraith fled after Sauron's defeat and set up his own evil kingdom in Angmar. As a king of men, the soon to be wraith recieved a ring of power, but like the other kings of men, he gave way to darkness, becoming a wraith and serving the Dark Lord Sauron.

Lord of the rings robes